domingo, 13 de marzo de 2022


1. Prepara una presentación oral de 5-10 minutos sobre las vacaciones. Puedes contestar a las siguientes preguntas:

¿Qué te gusta hacer en vacaciones?

¿Cuáles fueron tus mejores vacaciones?

¿Qué tipo de viajes has hecho?

¿Qué tipo de turismo prefieres?

¿Qué zonas geográficas has visitado?

¿Cuál es tu favorita?

¿Con quién prefieres viajar?

¿Qué tipo de alojamientos / actividades / transportes turísticos prefieres? ¿Por qué?

¿Qué tipo de entretenimiento es tu favorito?

¿Qué tipo de películas prefieres y por qué?

¿Puedes recomendar una película?

¿Cuál fue la última película que viste? ¿Te gustó? ¿Por qué?

¿Tocas algún instrumento musical?

¿Quiénes son tus cantantes favoritos?

¿Con qué frecuencia escuchas música?

¿Cómo la escuchas (en la radio, en el ordenador, el teléfono, etc.)?

¿No te gusta algún tipo de música? ¿Por qué no te gusta?

2. Graba un video de tu presentación en Flipgrid:

3. Mira las presentaciones de tus compañeros y haz comentarios en Flipgrid.

Hospitality and Tourism 2030 Trends

Look are the top 10 trends that M3 Center at the University of South Florida compiled based on three think-tanks and surveys in 2020.

Do you think these trends are still valid in 2022? Why/why not? What would be your own ranking? Discuss.

Controversial tourism-related issues

Read the text and write an essay about one of the questions formulated at the end (250 words).

Travel industry in denial

The travel industry seems to deny all the major issues that will soon confront it - from climate change to human rights through overfull destinations. It may be worthwhile to take a critical look at our industry, our place in it and our opportunities today and tomorrow.

On one hand:

  • Global warming has the potential to close international leisure tourism down completely
  • The refugee problem is set to escalate to many millions, maybe billions as global warming escalates and harvests fail
  • Wars & insecurity are already inflicting damages on tourism in destinations such as Egypt, Turkey and Tunisia - there will be more. Yet tourism continues to flow to destinations with serious human rights problems
  • The recent UN report on food security outlines an enormous upcoming global food problem
  • The travel industry powers on overfilling destinations to the detriment of citizens, wasting resources and creating homelessness problems
  • And the industry's access to the market is pay-walled by a few big internet businesses including Priceline, Google, Tripadvisor and Facebook leading to commoditisation and leakage of value

On the other hand:

  • A number of sustainable destination are politicising their visitor economies using them for economic, social, cultural, environmental regeneration - and promoting real disintermediation
  • The marketplace is recognising the value of their holiday time and commitment and looking for better real value
  • Clever long-sighted tour operators are re-creating themselves to offer even more valuable experiences
  • As a larger and larger proportion of the world's population become more and more aware of the advantages of living lifestyles of health and sustainability, the market moves on
  • More initiatives are being created to offer clients/visitors holidays that are really socially-aware.
  • There are more and more major movements at the periphery of tourism including Slow Food and Amnesty International which will have an impact on tourism

Here are ten questions we should ask ourselves:

  1. What can be done about/how can we benefit from the overflowing of destinations?
  2. How can we gain sustainable market advantage from heightening real customer value/experience?
  3. Given that the airlines appear now to have avoided any real action on climate change until 2027 - how can we adjust to avoid this massive time bomb?
  4. How can we identify and avoid destinations that may be subject to security problems and human rights issues?
  5. How can destinations get sufficient political power to make choices about the nature of their visitor economies and its advantages/disadvantages?
  6. How can we adopt forms of marketing that engage directly with our clientele and identify and fulfill their needs without paying for access/losing ongoing control?
  7. Which are the destination brands of the future, and why?
  8. What is the future of cruising given its enormous per passenger/mile emission record, human rights issues and its obvious terrorism target potential?
  9. Is our own activity truly sustainable economically, environmentally, culturally and socially? If not, how can it be?
  10. What is the role of the workforce who makes it all happen in destinations? How can we meet the need for sustainable approaches to their recruitment, reward, development and management?

Adapted from:

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2022

Research project - Stage 3

SWOT is an acronym that stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, and it is an essential component of your project. The following links will help you to find out more about how to do it:

The data you collected in the second stage will help to design this part of the project. The analysis can derive from customer reviews, opinions or information from press articles, where both internal aspects (strengths and weaknesses) and external aspects (opportunities and threats) will be drawn from. Remember to mention your information sources.

You can post the text on this blog, as in the previous stages.

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2022

Women in tourism

Watch these videos. They illustrate different roles of women within the tourism industry:

-Las Kellys:

-Celebrity Cruises:

Write/record an essay/oral report for your portfolio in reply to the following questions:

1. How can tourism contribute to gender equality?

2. Which are the most pressing issues that affect women in the tourism industry?

3. Is education and training equally provided for tourism managers and employees?

4. Are women represented in tourism policies and in this sector's decision-making spaces?

For more information, you can also read UNWTO's Global Report on Women in Tourism: